Technology and Innovation

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Offshore Data Storage and Security Compliance

Data security stored in the cloud is paramount in today's digital landscape. Cloud storage platforms provide convenient and efficient ways to store and access data but also come with potential security risks and compliance challenges, especially when a good portion of data is stored on servers that are located in different countries. This data can oftentimes be stored in countries with lax regulations and laws regarding the usage of personal and corporate data. With less stringent data privacy regulations, laws...

Cybersecurity Across the World

Malware is a significant threat that can compromise sensitive data, disrupt business operations, and cause irreparable damage. Malware often originates from hosting sites, which provide a platform for hackers to distribute their malicious software to unsuspecting users.  As the internet has evolved over the years, so has the prevalence of cyber threats and malware. While some countries have established a reputation as being the pioneers in technology and cybersecurity, others have become the breeding ground for malicious sites and hacking operations.  Based...

Cloud Storage Facilities and Sustainability

Cloud storage has revolutionized how we store and manage data, providing individuals and organizations a convenient and efficient solution for their storage needs. Cloud storage platforms, such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Apple form the backbone of this technological advancement. These platforms consist of vast networks of data centers strategically located throughout the world. These data centers are the physical storage facilities where our digital information resides. From massive warehouse-sized centers to smaller, more localized data...

Understanding Technology

Core technology and niche technology vary across different industries, with some more advanced than others. To illustrate the difference, let's consider the example of computing technology.  Core computing technology includes processors, memory, and storage devices - the basic building blocks of computers that are essential for all applications. Niche computing technology, on the other hand, might include specialized software programs for scientific research, systems for face recognition or blockchain-based financial platforms. In the field of medicine, core medical technology includes stethoscopes, blood...

The Importance of Lightweight Mobile Apps

Mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. From ordering food to shopping online, mobile apps have made everything accessible at our fingertips. But with the increase in mobile app usage, the demand for lightweight apps has also risen for several reasons. Firstly, they are quick to download and install, taking up less space on phones and tablets. Secondly, they consume less battery, allowing mobile devices to last longer on a single charge. Thirdly, they operate smoothly and...

VR and AR in Heritage Tourism: Merging Online and Offline Worlds

Virtual reality and augmented reality have existed for many years, and have since taken a step forward by being implemented into museums, schools and other cultural sites with a mission to educate and preserve heritage. Today, this concept is called “heritage tourism” and is not limited to tourism, as we think of it today. Such technology imagines and contributes to a wide range of industries, being able to address racism and prejudice throughout time without limits to geography.  The Beginning The term...

New Advancements in Marine Technology

Battery technology advancements have been at the forefront of improving the relationship between design and the environment for a long time. Submarines have used batteries to assist their operations and serve as an emergency source of power since before the first world war, and on modern vessels, the risks of toxic leaks or fires have been reduced greatly.  Though boats and yachts manufactured with standard motors that run on diesel have proven to be more efficient and provide more mileage per...

Digital Vandalism: Mitigate Risk Before It’s A Real Problem

Defined as defacing the digital assets of a company to cause nuisance or permanent damage, digital vandalism is a crime that happens because it’s possible and it’s on the rise with serious and permanent consequences. From simple attacks of websites, to hacking into water and sewage systems, changing lights, unlocking security doors in prisons and changing temperatures within closed spaces, vandals can target gas pipelines, power plants, high-end storefronts and blow up buildings if they felt like it.  As more residential...

What is Domain Authority?

Before the internet became the largest source of information globally, knowledge was unbiasedly stored in encyclopedias and filing cabinets sorted by alphabetical order or date. Today, marketing strategies, algorithms and scoring systems are implemented on search engines to present relevant information to consumers based on their behavior and interests. When someone searches a question, then searches the same question one year later, the results are almost always different – incognito or not.  Search engines host a digital encyclopedia of content that...