
Grozina / Pelagion


Pelagion is a company that has made a large lead in material science and nanotechnology. The company’s introduction of a battery energy storage system revolutionizes marine vessels by completely eliminating the need for generators. This ground-breaking technology represents a significant leap forward for the marine industry.

Batteries have been at the forefront of improving the relationship between boat design and the environment for a long time, with submarines using batteries to assist their operations and serve as an emergency source of power since before World War I. The development of a battery energy storage system, however, is a competitive concept on the rise.

Unlike conventional battery systems, the technology Pelagion has created is robust enough to handle maritime conditions and can even function while submerged underwater. This is largely due to the advanced chemical composition of their batteries, which are significantly more resilient than the ones currently used in the automotive industry. By adjusting the chemical formula, Pelagion’s engineers have ensured their batteries can operate safely in water environments without the risk of damage or fires, common issues with conventional battery systems. Consequently, this technology has the potential to significantly enhance the durability and safety of power systems in marine vessels, such as boats and submarines, and altogether eliminate generators, which pose fire risks with minimal escape options on water.

In an attempt to test the efficiency of this system, Pelagion has launched their initial product called the ‘Hydroblade’. The Hydroblade is an electric jet-ski and represents the initial phase of trials and analysis, thereby paving the way for the complete battery energy system in the future. This release not only allows Pelagion to evaluate their innovation but also showcases their capabilities and the upcoming advanced technology.