Content: Selecting Images

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Content: Selecting Images

People enjoy looking at images, and adding images to your content is one reason you should have them. More so, original images always do better than their counterpart, stock images. Even if viewers understand intellectually why you use stock images, it still hurts your credibility because they see other companies use them and this makes it less effective than if the content was original and new.

So, here are some things to consider when selecting images:

Your style – Use images that reflect your unique voice and style.

Mood – Use images that speak to your mood.

Quality – Use sharp, vibrant and high-quality images.

Originality – Use original content when possible.

Size – Use images that are at least 2,000 pixels wide to make sure that they align with content on larger screen monitors and compress images to WebP to make sure they load faster on mobile devices.

Copyright – Credit the original source or purchase royalty-free images.

How do you use images effectively?

Once you choose your high-quality images, the next step is to optimize them for SEO. If your image is going on your website, adding descriptive file names and alt text that accurately describes the image helps bring your website up in SERPs.

You also want to resize your images for fast loading times. It is important that your images load quickly across desktop, tablets and mobile devices.

Next, if your images are going into news articles or publications, using the correct color files and adding captions and descriptions can enhance their impact. This allows readers to understand the context of the image and makes the post visually engaging.

Lastly, you want to include social media share buttons where possible. This makes it easy for readers to share your article or image on their own social media accounts, such as Pinterest. This increases your visibility and boost’s online presence. 

Related: Alt text
Related: File types to know